Blog 3: My Digital Footprint - surprises, concerns and reflections

Today I am writing about what a Digital Footprint means and how I understand it. An individual's digital footprint involves anything that person ever does on the internet, from posting a photo on instagram to downloading a file off a website to watching a video on youtube. In fact, posting this blog will contribute to my digital footprint. 

It is something I had never heard of before today and I must admit that some elements of what I have learned concerns me, however some elements are exactly what I expected. A way to get a rough idea of what your digital footprint looks like is to google your name and see the kinds of things that come up. 

Upon googling my name I discovered that my graduation photo and my professional Linkedin profile come up... not too bad right? However, I'm sure if I needed to dig deeper I could come across everything I have ever posted or shared online. 

Upon reading an article titled "8 tips to effectively manage your digital footprint" on 'JustCreative' I discovered that I already take most of the necessary steps to manage my digital footprint, however it has certainly taught me to be extremely careful in the future, particularly as technology and social media advance rapidly, in order to protect myself in future job applications... and in every other aspect of life to be honest!


  1. Hey Katie! I enjoyed reading your blog post, I am also completing the 23 things digital badges. I was surprised to find out a bout a digital footprint too, thankfully like yourself, I was happy with what came up when I searched on google.
    Happy Blogging


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